Frequently Asked Questions:

Why MahaRERA?
  • To ensure Accountability, Transparency towards allottees and protect their interest.
  • True information exchange between the promoters and allottees.
  • Imposing certain responsibilities on both promoters as well as allottees.
Area covered under MahaRERA

All areas of Maharashtra, Dadra Nagar Haveli and Diu-Daman, under the jurisdiction of Planning Authorities and includes all private and public bodies which develop real estate projects for sale to the general public.

Applicability of Act

A real estate project which has land area more than 500 sq mts or contains more than 8 apartments needs to be registered.

Fee to be paid

In addition to the prescribed fee for Registration in the rules, Promoter, real estate agents and complainants have to pay an additional fee to MahaRERA for uploading on the website and online services.

When to apply for registration to MahaRERA?

Only on receipt of Commencement Certificate / N.A order issued by the Competent Authority and along with the documents in compliance with the provisions of the Act, Rules and Regulations framed thereunder.

When to register the project?

Promoter has to register the project on obtaining the sanction / approvals from Planning Authority and before any form of advertising, marketing, booking, selling, offer for selling or inviting people to purchase plots, apartments or buildings.

Is there any penalty prescribed for non-registration of a project under the Act?

Section 59 of the Act prescribes the penalty for non-registration of the project.

Whether the buyer be entitled to get interest on the amount paid by him, In case of delay in giving possession from the promoter as per possession date mentioned in registered agreement?

The entitlement for interest is covered under Rule 18 and decided by the Authority on merits, upon a complaint being filed by an allottee under section 31 of the Act in the format provided at MahaRERA website.

Can a promoter or a real estate agent also file complaint against a buyer?

Any aggrieved person having any interest in the registered real estate project can file a complaint.

Whether an appeal can be filed against the orders issued by MahaRERA?

As per section 44(1) and (2) of the Act any person aggrieved by any direction or decision or order made by the Authority or by an Adjudicating Officer may file an appeal before the Appellate Tribunal within a period of sixty days in accordance with Rule 9.

Within three months from the date on which fifty-one per cent of the total number of purchasers in such a building or a wing, have booked their apartments or on receipt of OC whichever is earlier.

Whether promoter can change the plans of registered project?

If the promoter wants to change / amend the building plans for the phase that is registered with the MahaRERA, section 14 of the Act puts an obligation on a promoter to obtain 2/3 consent of allottees, and he has to apply in the correction module as per the procedure.

Real Estate Agent’s

Who needs to apply for Real Estate Agent registration?

Every real estate agent who intends to facilitate the sale or purchase of or act on behalf of any person to facilitate the sale or purchase of any plot, apartment or building, as the case may be, in a registered real estate project being sold by the promoter in any planning area in Maharashtra, will have to apply for registration to MahaRERA.

If the real estate agent is not listed with the promoter's registration at MahaRERA website, will he be able to sell in the project?


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